Grey Squirrel
My objective today was the deer at Greenwich park, unfortunately, I got distracted by another critter: the grey squirrel. I'd spotted one a fair distance off in a flower garden - no dogs allowed. When I got closer I realized that there were a fair amount of them scampering around seemingly eating the grass, and I caught at least one feeding off a flower. Another source of food, was peanuts brought in by visitors.

This fellow above seems to have some kind of markings around his ankles, I wonder what they are.

As luck would have it, I was near a tree when this fellow was running up and down, and I managed to get *1* shot that was reasonably sharp. 300/4 + TC14E + shade == bad bad bad.

A unique feature - a hind paw that swivels 180 degrees, allows it climb up and down tress headfirst with reckless abandon.

A closeup shot of the tail shows the fairly slender tail, with the fine hairs that give it the characteristic bushy tail.

Even though I was prone on the ground, these guys are even lower. A camera with live view may help. I wonder how focus speeds are like.

One of my favourite shots. Though perhaps may work better if I had a 400mm lens :P The teleconverter never left my lens till I got home.

They are very used to people feeding them, and many were scampering around me, hoping for food. Didn't think to bring food for them though :-/
Oh, deer me, I forgot about the deer... the deer were under heavy shade, so I just observed them with my binos for a bit, then left to explore the rest of the park.
Wasn't too hungry during lunch, so went into the rose gardens for a bit of macro.

I think its a carnation. Maybe.

Oh, inside the park contains the Royal Observatory, where there is a metal strip on the ground indicating the meridian line. All good and fun, no pics though.
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