Thursday, January 15, 2009

Adelaide Zoo | Jan 09

I'm resolving to work on a few photos every few days to clear away my huge raw photo backlog. Those pictures from my September trip are still not 100% organized :( Plus, last night my keyboard on my lappy had a stuck key, now two are problematic. So I'm gonna keep it short. Kinda.

OMG. CAN U FEEL THE CUTENESS?! Two joeys in a makeshift pouch. Awww........

Here I am attemping to put the little furballs more in context with their environment. But keep the environment away (hate... fences... mumble...)

The rest of the more blah photos are up on facebook. Surprisingly, I have only 5 selects in a day's worth of shooting, and only 2 are mammals. And small, cuddly mammals at that. The rest of the bigger furballs were *not* co-operative that day. I'm certain its to do with the higher heat levels in Summer. The Red Pandas were actually very active and running all over the place though.

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