Ah, Cleland. Magic again. The bus ride up was sad. So very sad. Raining most of the way up the expressway, and upon reaching the summit of Mount Lofty, the view was nothing but a white fog bank. The bus driver mentions that usually Mount Lofty has very sudden weather changes, and things could change at any moment, and started the bus for Cleland. Just minutes from Cleland, the sun broke through the clouds, and parted the fog. Sun light backlights the trees on both sides of the road. Marvelous.

Spent some time at the aviary, and decided that I won't leave till I get at least one shot of a Firetail Finch. These birds are... wild... I guess. But there is a feeder there where they congregate. Unlike the Fairy Wrens who I've experienced flittering up to me a few times, the Firetails simply will not tolerate movement. Thankfully, I didn't need a hide, and just sat down at a convenient bench, barely 2 meters away from the feeder. And kept quiet. About 5-10 minutes later, the birds returned to feed, and I took as many shots as I could as these birds move *fast*.

Was never ever able to catch a good pic of the Bandicoots, and as luck would have it, a nice side on shot.

The Wombats are usually munching away or snoozing. Today, one of them was posing just for me. How could I resist.

Most of the potoroos in the main cleland park are evidently not too human shy. Apart from the one in the bush area. This one was happily posing for me and tons of tourists. (assume 1 tourist == 100kg, 10 tourist == 1 ton)
I leave thee today with one of our fine feathered friends.