This is my second outing with the D200 - the last one was last week to Barossa Valley... in the rain. Got some nice memories, but am currently still struggling to understand how the exposure metering works on the D200, the controls, and how to process the pics in Bibble Pro.
Spent a good chunk of the morning shooting at random, understanding the matrix meter. It seems that when the contrast is within the capture range, the exposure is 100% spot on. But when dealing with high contrast scenes, I will need to take more time to ensure a good exposure. The following pics were taken with the matrix meter with no exposure compensation, and it's a relatively good fun shoot.
This is also my first time having the 55-200VR on my camera for an extended amount of time. Most of the pics only had cropping to fit it into a square due to the close range of the animals, but I would have wished for a 300mm or longer lens to really frame it close (see the wild dog shot) Still, I was having a really hard time dealing with camera shake, VR or not. While it works wonders for static objects, shooting moving objects at F5.6 in low light has me bumping the iso up to 800, sometimes even 1600 just to get a high enough shutter speed so that motion blur would be more acceptable.
In terms of lens quality, I am really surprised by this kit lens. It picks out details very well, and corner to corner is very sharp.
Also figured out how to use the AF-C (Continuous AF) mode - it's kinda not my kind of mode as it doesn't have a focus confirmation beep, so I do tend to be antsy using it. But even with the el-cheapo lens, the D200 and it tracked many of the animals, especially like the pacing Leopards and Lions, very, very well. I can't wait to take this guy one day to a rally course. (Of course by then I'm hoping to loan a nice 70-200 F2.8 VR :P )
D200 rocks. I can't imagine how the guys with a D300 are enjoying it!
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