The Canon is small, unobtrusive, and well... generally doesn't garner as much stares compare to SLRs of sorts. The contax is even better - it totally looks like a point and shoot camera, and better still, it has excellent metering AND autofocus :)
I saw a thread on on Clubsnap, and it reminded me about a project I did a while ago in order to use Polarizing filters on RFs. These are the end results:

Mounted on my beloved, though now highly unused, Minolta 7S.

Ah not simplicity, but it helps to reduce the time required to shoot with RFs and polarizing filters. The mounted polarizer on the shoe will be rotated to obtain the desired polarizing amount, and I simply transferred that rotation amount over to the main lens' polarizer. Metering in this case is taken care off automatically as the metering cell is located inside the main polarizing filter.
Take care!
Take care!
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