Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jupiter Ascending - what's up with it?

I honestly think my tastes must be at some perpendicular angle to most people. What's wrong with Jupiter Ascending? I absolutely enjoyed every minute of the show! For some reason, it gave me very familiar feelings, similar to that when playing Final Fantasy - to be brought into another world. And I really enjoyed my visit.

Spoilers Ahead:

Loved the ship designs, loved the detail inside so many of the sets, loved the otherworldly architecture. It's quite a universe. The technobabble at some parts just gave me a big grin.

On the flip side, there were things I that were poking in my mind like: why didn't the processing plant or whatever it was inside Jupiter like collapse like paper when wolf-dude cracked through it? The gravity that deep inside a gas giant has to be crazy. Even if the main structure is able to survive, I do not see how regular people could survive - the atmosphere should have vented near-instantaneously.

And what's more, what's with that processing plant doing inside jupiter? Like the bad guy wasn't supposed to harvest earth for awhile longer until he learnt about Ms Jones. Or do such processing plants just standard operating procedure when a planet for harvesting is seeded?

The story also felt somewhat rushed, I thought the idea of 3 siblings trying to figure out what to do with the re-born empress was quite undeveloped, and generally just not very cohesive. I get what's going on, but maybe more time could be spent developing it.

Defo would love to watch it at another time. Don't think I got my name in the credits though. Boo....


teckwee said...

I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it as well despite being a bit apprehensive at first after seeing the dismal RT rating. I think it must be because the geek in me is telling me that although every aspect of the show looks far-fetch and exaggerated, it is quite factual based on our current understand of human or indeed the universe's history. The non-earthlings are clearly what's known as Type III civilization and "rightfully" appears God-like to us. It all makes sense.

You are right that the refinery on Jupiter don't make much sense, and it's collapsed is too rush. If they are advanced enough to build something like that, it wouldn't possibly demolish entirely when a rupture occurs! But then, I supposed some things are better left to the imagination.

Awesome movie!

teckwee said...

I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it as well despite being a bit apprehensive at first after seeing the dismal RT rating. I think it must be because the geek in me is telling me that although every aspect of the show looks far-fetch and exaggerated, it is quite factual based on our current understand of human or indeed the universe's history. The non-earthlings are clearly what's known as Type III civilization and "rightfully" appears God-like to us. It all makes sense.

You are right that the refinery on Jupiter don't make much sense, and it's collapsed is too rush. If they are advanced enough to build something like that, it wouldn't possibly demolish entirely when a rupture occurs! But then, I supposed some things are better left to the imagination.

Awesome movie!