Saturday, March 26, 2011

Houdini + Arduino + Robotic Claw

Ok so I've been amiss from updating this blog. I am still snapping photos left right and center, but I've not been putting them up here (mainly on facebook). This is because I'd planned to have dedicated website for my photography, and a photography blog as well. The website is up, but... the content is not ready :D Will be coming probably in June, after I finish my current project and get some free time.

In the mean time, I am very busy at work (crunch time now, for the next 6 weeks at least), and when I'm not at work I'm working on other stuff, some of it which is houdini related. Like today's post!

So I've been working on Arduino for several months now, just on and off when I get a free moment, to keep busy. (Else my mind wanders). I think microprocessors are awesome, but back in the day when we had to use massive programmers and UV light to wipe the memory, it was not as accessible as the Arduino, which only requires a USB port to provide power, transfer programs from the pc to the microprocessor and do other cool stuff, like what I did above.

Source code and the HDA can be found on odforce.

I'm slowly getting back into doing Houdini as well (where do I find the time for this, when I'm learning how to draw, learning the sax, doing my photography, houdini, work and other stuff?!) - have been inspired by lots of work lately, and want to create some of them by my own hand :3

Looks like someone's laptop needs a ram upgrade. DDR3 anyone?