Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Maxscript

Ok this is a very simple script I was working on to fix gimbal lock issues for lowmax rigs. The word "fix" isn't really very correct, it's more like a hack. The script basically adds another Euler XYZ controller into the rotation list (thus re-setting the rotation axes), and the animator continues work on that.

Hence the name, the GW Gimbal Hack/Fix. You can get it from my gallery page.

Also, been playing around with Maya Paint Effects, this is an awesome tool, I wish max had something similar. This is my test shot:

Apart from the few bamboo meshes in the foreground, the ground cover and distant bamboo are all paint effects.

The objective of this shot was to understand some basic multipass maya rendering. I think Max's multipass controls are easier to understand, but heck I think I can whip up some mel once I get that mel scripting book :)

I will probably re-do the whole shot to include some perspective change (it's a pure nodal pan now), make it more of a daylight shot and see what kinda elements I can add. Right now, I didn't enable the PFX turbulence, perhaps I should try that my next time round.

Signing off...

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